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Imagine that you discover in regression that you felt neglected as a baby. What do you do with this “memory”? It is very difficult to go to your mother and ask her about it. In all likelihood, she will be hurt by your questions and deny everything. But one thing is sure—it will make your relationship with your mother much more difficult.
Fortunately, higher-consciousness healing offers a way to deal with the part of our problem that is unconscious in a way that is completely free of risk. With higher-consciousness healing, we do not need to remember any traumas and we do not need to uncover anything that is distressing. It does not matter if the cause of a problem is related to our childhood, or even to a past life. We do not need to know any of that. All this searching for the cause of a problem will make our problem appear bigger, while not solving anything at all.
“But how can we solve a problem,” you may ask, “if we don't even know its cause?”
The answer is that knowing the cause of a problem will not necessarily lead us to its solution.
This is where our higher consciousness comes into play. Albert Einstein famously stated, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that has created it.” Einstein here points to the core of higher-consciousness healing. Instead of diving deeply into our problems, we need to jump out of them by accessing a part of our mind that is more loving and wise than our everyday mind—a part that already knows the solution to our problem—our higher consciousness. Because our higher consciousness penetrates our entire mind, including our unconscious mind, and because it is ultimately wise and loving, it already knows the solutions to all of our problems. If we can access the wisdom of our higher consciousness, we do not need to make unconscious material conscious. We can go for the solution straightaway. And, by the way, once we know the solution to our problem, we often find that we have discovered its cause as well.
How Healing Symbols Work
The big challenge, at this point, is in how we can communicate with our higher consciousness. Most of us only have occasional glimpses of the higher consciousness. Traditionally, meditation and prayer are the only ways to deepen our experience of it. Fortunately, higher-consciousness healing offers a way to communicate with our higher consciousness, even if we have never meditated before.
Language is not well-suited to this communication, because words are much too crude to communicate with higher forms of wisdom and compassion. What we need is something that will bridge the gap between our relatively crude personal mind and our higher consciousness. We can create this bridge with the help of symbols.
The idea of using symbols to communicate with our higher consciousness is not new. Most religions provide symbols that help make this contact. In higher-consciousness healing, we receive our own personal symbols in order to solve our problems. It is important to understand, however, that symbols are more than just little pictures or statues. They are charged with the energy and meaning of what they are meant to communicate, and they really embody what they symbolize. So, in effect, the symbol and what it stands for cannot be separated. They are one.
We can work with symbols in three different ways. First, we can make contact with our higher consciousness by visualizing it in symbolic form. For example, some people choose to see their higher consciousness as a shimmering light or an angelic being; others stick with the well-known images from traditional religions. Second, our higher consciousness can send messages to us in the form of healing symbols. Third, we can focus on these healing symbols in order to send messages deep into our unconscious mind, where information is usually stored in the form of pictures rather than words. This is another reason why language does not work very well in order to solve problems that are rooted deep within our unconscious mind. Using symbols is much more effective and will give our unconscious mind the information it needs to transform.
When we repeatedly give all parts of our mind messages from our higher consciousness in the form of symbols, we can achieve amazing results. New and healthy ideas arise; negative emotional patterns decrease; tiredness disappears. We may also find that our life circumstances begin to change mysteriously. This process is safe, free of side effects, and, most of all, extremely effective. With higher-consciousness healing, we can work on problems that have their roots deep in our unconscious mind without ever getting the undesired side effects that can accompany the uncovering of unconscious material.
“Wait a minute,” I can hear you saying. “It can't be that easy! Surely we have to work with our problems at least a little bit!”
You are right. You need to work with your problem—but not in a negative or self-destructive way. Unfortunately, many people think that self-development only works when there is pain, or a crisis, or suffering involved. This is not true. Personal development can be completely free of pain—but only if we have a skillful means of achieving this. What we need is a solution-oriented approach that will create positive feelings, new possibilities, and new insights. Higher-consciousness healing is just such an approach.
Higher-Consciousness Healing Vs. Positive Thinking
Higher-consciousness healing assumes that the root of all problems lies in (unconscious) faulty beliefs about ourselves and about the world. Beliefs like “I am not loveable” or “Women are not trustworthy” create negative emotions and bodily tensions, which, in turn, can lead to neurotic or physical symptoms. Higher-consciousness healing works on the level of these deep beliefs, but in a very different way than traditional forms of positive thinking.
Most forms of positive thinking work by replacing negative beliefs simply by repeating the opposite positive affirmation as often as possible. For example, if we think we are stupid, we need only replace this thought with, “I am intelligent” and repeat it constantly. Unfortunately, negative beliefs will usually not go away that easily. On the contrary, positive thinking can easily degenerate into a constant struggle to keep inner negativity at bay. We may even get on the nerves of our friends, because they quickly sense that our “positiveness” is not that genuine. Unfortunately, by trying too hard to think positively, we often experience even more painful self-denial and separation from others.
Higher-consciousness healing does not use words at all, but simply introduces our inner being to a beautiful image that radiates love in all directions. This does not evoke the inner resistance often encountered when we try to think positively.
It is, nevertheless, important to stop tormenting ourselves with negative self-talk. Calling ourselves a “fat cow” or a “stupid idiot” will always evoke negative feelings. But your healing symbol can cut through this inner negativity. The following case study shows how this works in practice.
Janice (who is also a counselor) contacted me because she suffered from depression. Once we had talked about her feelings in more detail, it turned out that she blamed her mother for her depression because she didn't feel properly cared for as a child. Therefore, her first symbol was geared toward resolving her negative relationship with her mother. For two weeks, Janice sent love to herself and her mother every day with the help of a healing symbol. The results were very surprising for Janice, who had been in and out of therapy for decades. Suddenly, she felt more liberated and happy than she ever had before; she felt genuine love for her mother for the first time in years.
However, Janice still suffered from the bad habit of comparing herself unfavorably with others, which made her feel envious and resentful. I talked to her about the importance of stopping this negative self-talk and encouraged her to learn to be her own best friend. From then on, Janice made a great effort to stop her unfavorable comparisons by placing her mind firmly on her symbol and its loving light. As a result, her resentment and envy gradually disappeared.
The Healing Power of Love
The essence of the higher consciousness is love. It is this infinite and unconditional love that radiates out from our healing symbol and produces the often miraculous improvements of higher-c
onsciousness healing. The most important aspect of higher-consciousness healing is to focus on the love that shines forth from our beautiful symbol and allow this love to penetrate all our problems. Love is the sincere wish for ourselves and others to be happy.
When we work with a healing symbol, we first let its loving light shine toward ourselves and wish ourselves to be truly happy from the bottom of our heart. Doing this rids us of all forms of self-loathing and raises our self-esteem to a healthy level.
Love is the sincere wish for ourselves and others to be happy.
In the next step, we let the loving light of our symbol shine out to all the people who are involved in our problem and wish them happiness as well. It may seem very difficult to send love to the very people who have harmed us, but I have seen that it can be done quite easily when we are supported by a healing symbol from our higher consciousness. Sending love is a positive intention for someone to be happy, rather than a feeling of infatuation or attraction. We do not have to like the person we send love to. Instead, we simply have to imagine that if our adversaries are genuinely happy, they will immediately regret all the bad things they have done and become very likeable people instead. Working in this way has tremendous healing power. Kathy freed herself from the terrible effects of sexual abuse by using this approach.
Thirty-two-year-old Kathy had been sexually abused as a child by her uncle. She was full of self-loathing and depression, and hated her uncle with a vengeance. Kathy's biggest problem was that she had never had a single loving encounter with a man, which made her very unhappy. I explained to her that I was optimistic she could find true love, even though she had suffered sexual abuse as a child. In my opinion, her biggest obstacle to finding love was the hatred she felt toward herself and her uncle, not the abuse itself.
Kathy understood what I was trying to say, but she felt that, if she stopped hating her uncle, it would diminish his guilt. I told her that nobody could remove the guilt from her abuser, and that he had to live with it for the rest of his life. “All you have to do,” I said, “is to stop hating him. Resentment will tie you to your abuser but love will set you free. Love means to wish your uncle happiness in the knowledge that this will make him into a better person who will regret what he has done intensely. It does not mean that you have to like him or diminish his guilt.”
After we had talked all this through, Kathy was willing to give it a try. For the first two weeks, she sent the healing light of her symbol only to herself and experienced a sense of happiness and purity that was completely new and wonderful for her. Then she bravely started to send the light of her healing symbol to her uncle—whom she visualized a very long distance away—and wished him to be happy and loving. As she was doing this, she suddenly had a strong feeling that her uncle had been sexually abused himself as a child, and she even felt a little bit of compassion for him. At that moment, Kathy truly felt free from all the negative effects of the abuse for the first time in her life. Most wonderfully, after practicing in this way for a few weeks and feeling better and better in herself, Kathy happily fell in love for the first time in her life with a very supportive and loving man. In parallel, a chronic pain she had had in her hips simply disappeared.
• • •
Love is the supreme healing power in the universe. We don't need to go back to past traumas to be healed of pain, neglect, and abuse. It is wonderful to see that all negative feelings resulting from past trauma can be dissolved effectively by sending love to ourselves and our enemies with the help of a healing symbol. Traumatic experiences themselves do not make us suffer. It is our current resentment and victim mentality that causes the pain. When we use the healing power of love, painful emotions subside, physical ailments heal more quickly, and wisdom arises to resolve our conflicts more constructively.
What's more, sending love to others often produces real and positive changes in people we find difficult—even if they don't know anything about our practice. I have seen numerous cases in which people have transformed positively when my clients have sent them love with the help of a healing symbol. Here is another story that demonstrates the power of higher-consciousness healing on others.
Harriet had many problems that she blamed on her father—depression, loneliness, and the inability to find a partner. Her father had been in a mental-care home from the time she was a child. Harriet described in elaborate detail how a previous therapist had shown that her current relationship problems were all due to her having grown up with a mentally ill father. “I hate my father,” she told me, with tears in her eyes, “he ruined my life.” I empathized with Harriet's pain, but I also told her that I believed that it was her current resentment toward her father that accounted for her emotional problems and not her childhood experiences in themselves. I then showed her how to send love to herself and her father with the help of a healing symbol. I encouraged her to say to her father in her mind, “I wish you to be happy and healthy.”
The effect of this practice was immediate. Harriet felt as if a big burden had fallen off her shoulders; her lifelong feeling of depression virtually disappeared within days. After doing this practice for several weeks, she told me with joy that the mental health of her father had improved so much that he had been able to leave the hospital for the first time in years. She then asked me if I thought this could be due to her practice of higher-consciousness healing. I told her there was no proof of that, but that I wasn't surprised at all, because I had regularly seen similar improvements with higher-consciousness healing. Both Harriet and her father continued to improve.
The Healing Power of Relaxation
Every negative emotion—depression, anger, fear—corresponds to an area in our physical body where tension builds. For example, many people feel depression as a sensation of painful tension in the chest or head; anger often manifests as tension in the legs and arms; anxiety is often felt as a tense knot in the stomach or neck. People tend to have unique, but stable, patterns of tension that go along with their negative emotions. Once we know our personal areas of tension and are able to relax these parts of our body, our negative emotions will be gone. It is as simple as that! Focusing on the loving light of our symbol and letting it penetrate the areas of our bodily tensions make this process very easy and effective.
We can work in exactly the same way with chronic tiredness that cannot be relieved by adequate amounts of sleep. We simply have to notice where in our physical body the fatigue manifests as tension. By patiently releasing these tensions with the help of a healing symbol we can quickly return to a healthy level of vitality.
The Healing Power of Correct Breathing
When we focus on our healing symbol, we let its color radiate out in synchronization with our out breath. The whole focus in higher-consciousness healing is always on the out breath, never on the in breath, because focusing on breathing out makes us more relaxed, while focusing on breathing in makes us more tense. Breathing correctly can thus calm down all sorts of negative emotions and is particularly effective when we work with anxieties and fears. With a healing symbol and the correct form of breathing, we can even alleviate panic attacks in a matter of a few minutes. In my holistic life-coaching practice, I have had many clients who suffered from chronic fear, anxiety, and panic. They all, without exception, were able to free themselves entirely from these negative emotions within a matter of a few days or weeks by focusing on their healing symbols and gently correcting their breathing.
The Healing Power of Visualizing Bubbles of Love
When we send love through higher-consciousness healing, we imagine that this love forms bubbles of loving, joyful light around ourselves and others. These bubbles are roughly as big as our outstretched arms and have a firm boundary. Visualizing these firm boundaries can have a profound effect on our unconscious mind and results in a much greater sense of inner security. It also—almost miraculously—helps clarify difficult relationship entanglements.
> Most relationship problems are due to two main dynamics: people are either too submissive and allow themselves to be dominated by others, or they are too egotistical and drive people away through their overbearing behavior. Both problems are due to unhealthy ego boundaries. Self-sacrificing (co-dependent) people give up their own ego boundaries and are unhealthily merged with more dominant people. Typically, these are women. On the other hand, people who are too selfish do not respect the ego boundaries of others and impose their own will on the people around them. Typically, these are men. Most people who seek therapy belong to the first category and have problems with confidence and difficulty saying “no.”
In higher-consciousness healing, the healthy ego boundaries of each person are symbolized by firm bubbles of loving, joyful light that emerge from our healing symbol and surround ourselves and others involved in our problem. These two bubbles may touch if we wish, but they should never overlap or merge. A merging of these bubbles symbolizes an unhealthy fusion of people who do not dare assert themselves, or who treat each other in an overbearing way. By repeatedly visualizing beautiful bubbles of loving, joyful light around ourselves and others, we can easily establish healthy ego boundaries, regardless of whether we are a submissive or dominant personality. This can be incredibly powerful, and often restores clarity and love into complex relationship problems in a matter of days or a few weeks. The story of how Gillian's marriage improved, even though her husband knew nothing about higher-consciousness healing illustrates this.